
2023-08-30  点击:[]




1. 第一性原理计算

2. 先进陶瓷材料的加工及成型技术

3. 信息能源材料


2009.09 - 2017.07 天津大学 沙龙会s36官方网网址 材料学专业 硕博连读

2011.10 - 2012.10 德国拜罗伊特大学 物理学院 材料物理专业 博士生联合培养

2005.09 - 2009.07 天津大学 沙龙会s36官方网网址 材料科学与工程专业 大学本科


2017.09至今 天津城建大学沙龙会s36官方网网址  讲师


1. DNA折纸定位陶瓷先驱体气凝胶有序纳米拓扑结构及其应力传递与高温热阻隔机理研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2023.01-2026.12,主要完成者

2. 层间转角对二维BN-BP-GR异质结光电输运、转换的影响机制,天津市教委科研计划项目,2020.01-2021.12,负责人

3. Ag2O/BaTiO3异质结构材料的铁电协同光电效应机理,天津市自然科学基金,2018.10-2021.09,主要完成者



[1] Bo Zhang*, Long Sun, Guanghui Lei, Wei Zhao, Zhengang Guo, Tao Liu, Ziyou Fang, Hong Liu, Effect for the electronic configurations of LuVO4 induced by D4h crystal-field-splitting discovered in the systematic DFT investigation on photocatalysis capacities of vanadates, Materials Today Chemistry, Volume 29, 2023, 101395.

[2] Bo Zhang*, Hongli Liu, Wei Zhao, Zhengang Guo, Hanyu Liu, Prediction of stable Cu structure and phase transition mechanism at ultra-high pressure: A comprehensive properties characterization by DFT calculation, Physica B: Condensed Matter, Volume 625, 2022, 413538.

[3] Hongli Liu, Peng Wang, Bo Zhang*, Hongyan Li, Jing Li, Yajing Li, Zhong Chen, Enhanced thermal shrinkage behavior of phenolic-derived carbon aerogel-reinforced by HNTs with superior compressive strength performance, Ceramics International, Volume 47, Issue 5, 2021, 6487-6495.

[4] Hongli Liu, Peng Wang, Bo Zhang*, Hongyan Li, Jing Li, Yajing Li, Zhong Chen, Morphology controlled carbon aerogel with enhanced thermal insulation and mechanical properties: a simple route for the regulated synthesis, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 564, 2021, 120828.

[5] Bo Zhang, Lailei Wu, Zhihong Li, Predicted structural evolution and detailed insight into configuration correlation, mechanical properties of silicon–boron binary compounds, RSC Advances 7 (2017) 16109-16118.






上一条:导师队伍 下一条:张鹏宇
